Moreland Elementary Mission and Value Statement and Handbook
Mission Statement
Moreland Elementary is a working partnership of caring, high-qualified staff, supportive parents, and cooperative students. Each committed to fostering the love of learning and high academic achievement in a safe and pleasant environment.
Value Statements:
Registration Requirements
The State of Idaho requires every student entering school for the first time or transferring to a new school to produce documentation of current immunization statues. Each child must receive 5 DTP, 4 Polio, 2 MMR , 3 Hepatitis B 2 Hepatitis A and 2 Varicella immunizations to be complete for school attendance in Idaho. An official Birth Certificate must be on file within thirty days after the student has been registered. We urge parents to bring immunization and birth records to school when registering their child.
All visitors are welcome . They need to check in at the office where they can pick up a visitors badge to wear while in the building. The secretary can then direct you or answer your questions. The procedure is to ensure the safety of our students and keep classroom interruptions at a minimum. We are happy to welcome visitors for lunch. We ask that you call the school office before 10 a.m. so we can notify the cooks.
Special Services: Resource Room
The Resource Room helps students who are working below grade level due to a learning disability or handicapping condition. A Child Study Team comprised of the child’s parents, classroom teacher, principal, and other support personnel meet to develop an Individual Education Plan (IEP) and set goals for the year.
Speech and Language
Speech therapy to improve articulation is available at Moreland. In addition, help to assist students who have
an expressive and/or receptive language delay is also available. Students are screened each year by the Speech and Language Specialist to identify any delays that may require intervention. Students may also be referred by their parents or classroom teacher for testing. Parent permission is required for participation in these programs.
Title 1 (School wide title 1 program)
Moreland is now a school wide Title 1 school, which allows all students to receive help from our Title paraprofessionals. These paras will spend time in classrooms to aid in small group interventions. Individual and small group pull out tutoring in reading and math is offered for students who are working below their peers. Students are referred to the program by their classroom teacher and parent permission is required for enrollment.
School Psychologist
The Snake River School District has a full time school psychologist to provide testing, expertise, and recommendations for the Child Study Team. The school psychologist is also available for parent consultation.
Migrant Education
The Migrant Program works with the children of migrant agriculture workers. Students needing extra help and one on one tutoring qualify for this program and are referred by their classroom teacher or the migrant coordinator.
The playground and classrooms at Moreland Elementary are carefully supervised by teachers and staff members.
Even with close supervision sometimes accidents will occur at school.
All accidents are reported to the office immediately. Basic first aid procedures are used by members of the building staff.
If a serious injury should occur your child will be transported to the hospital by ambulance and you will be notified immediately.
Insurance coverage is available for purchase at the beginning of each year. Information is sent home with each student and parents may elect to buy insurance in case of accident.
The Snake River District carries only the required liability insurance and does not provide medical insurance to cover medical expenses incurred if your child is injured.
Parking at Moreland is limited. We would appreciate your consideration of all parking requests.
In the event that we have a program or other activity where more parking is needed, patrons and parents may
park on the north end ON THE GRASS.
Thank you for your support with our safety procedures.
In keeping with our efforts to do the utmost for all of the children, we ask your cooperation and assistance in the matter of pupil attendance.
Our teachers are anxious to have all the students participate in the lessons they have prepared.
Students receive the maximum benefits from regular daily sequential instruction.
We urge parents to keep pupils at home when it is necessary for health reasons. While we do not want students to attend school when they are ill, we do want them to come to school on all other school days.
Idaho Code and policy of the Snake River Board of Education states that every student shall meet a 90% attendance rule.
Under Idaho Code, parents bear the major responsibility of having students attend school. Elementary students who miss more than 14 days per year will be required to attend a Building Attendance review Committee meeting and could be referred to the Department of Juvenile Justice under the Youth Rehabilitation Act.
If your child is under a doctor’s care and you anticipate an absence of 10 days or longer, arrangements can be made for a Home bound Teacher.
Call the school office if you need further information.
Students arriving late and checking out early present a problem for the smooth operation of our classrooms. We ask that you make every effort to have your child at school before the tardy bell rings and to pick up students after 3:20 p.m. Please help us keep classroom interruptions and distractions at a minimum.
When you need to pick your child up early please, allow enough time to come into the office and let us call them down. We don’t call students out of the classroom until parents are in the building to check them out.
Students arriving late must check in with Mrs. Wood at the office.
Please pick up your child at the office after they have been signed out on the Check Out Log.
Please do not take them from the bus line, playground, or classroom.
Your child will be put on the school bus unless a written note is sent from home making other arrangements. We strongly urge you to make plans with your child before they go to school and not call the office with last minute arrangements unless it is an emergency. These messages also cause classroom interruptions, often during the busiest time of the day..
For the safety of our students, we require that every visitor wear a visitor’s pass if they plan on entering our hallways beyond the office. Our students are young and we want them to be safe and confident at school. A pass can be picked up at the office. If there is a large event with many visitors or helpers for that day, we will require a sign in sheet only.
Parent volunteers provide an important and valued service to the students at Moreland Elementary. Parents can help teachers meet the needs of individual students by volunteering in the classroom. Teachers use parent helpers to tutor students, work with small groups, develop and create classroom materials, and help with class or school projects. We ask that you do not bring preschool aged children to school when you volunteer. This is due to the problem of supervision and possible classroom disruptions. Exceptions cannot be made under any circumstances.
Consistent attention to appropriate student behavior and student discipline will result in a more productive learning environment for all students.
Our first step is to help students understand the school rules at Moreland Elementary. These rules govern their behavior in both in-class and out-of-class situations.
The following general rules will be discussed with your child on a regular basis. Parental reinforcement and support of these rules is important.
Students are to follow the directions and requests of all adult employees of the school district.
Students are to walk in classrooms, hallways, and the Media Center at all times.
Students will not play in restrooms or hallways.
Students will play only in designated playground areas.
Students are not to bring toys, radios, electronic devices of any kind, or other
non-instructional items to school without the classroom teacher’s permission.
Games where children engage in unusual roughness are not allowed.
Students are to follow safety rules for use of playground equipment.
Students are not to damage school property.
Students are not to be in possession of any dangerous items on school property such as: knives, fireworks, matches, spray
cans, etc.
Students are to eat candy or other treats only during class parties or at lunch. Gum chewing is not allowed.
The classroom teacher will handle minor offenses within the classroom unless the
rules are continuously broken.
In these instances the child will be referred to the principal for disciplinary action
The duty teacher will handle playground offenses and will refer serious problems to the principal for discipline.
The school bus driver will handle bus offenses except in cases where the misbehavior is repeated and the child is unwilling to correct the behavior. In that case the child will be referred to
the school principal for discipline.
In the event a student is referred, the principal will follow all the policies and
procedures as stated in the Snake River School District Manuals.
ATTENTION: The right of students to ride on the school bus is conditional on their good behavior and observance of the bus rules and regulations. Any student who violates any of these will be reported to the building principal and disciplined under the Snake River School District Code of Conduct policy.
8634 Bus Ridership Rules & Regulations
Homework serves an important purpose in your child’s school life. It is a means of reviewing and reinforcing the lessons taught at school. Homework is also a way to help your child develop work and study habits that will assist him or her throughout the years spent in school. Please help ensure the success of your child’s academic future by starting early on to create these study habits. We ask that you do the daily homework with your child that the teacher assigns. Show your child how much you value his or her education.
Parents often ask about the kind of school clothes a child should wear. We want children to be comfortable and free
to work and play in the classroom and outside.
Here are some helpful hints:
Shorts need to come to the knee and tank tops are not allowed.
We recommend that you label everything removable.
Children are expected to play outside except during the very coldest days.
Please make sure your child is dressed for the expected and unexpected weather conditions.
All items turned into the Lost and Found are located in a large wooden box in the 1st. grade hallway. Remember to label your child’s clothing and school supplies for easy identification. Lost items will be displayed in the hall several times during the year for students to check. Also, you are welcome to check for the Lost items at any time.
Students at Moreland Elementary are allowed to use the telephone when their classroom teacher gives permission.
We urge parents to make necessary arrangements with students before they come to school.
We understand there are occasional important messages that must be given to students. Phone calls are not put through to the classrooms.
If there is an emergency please explain to the person taking the call and the students will be brought to the office if needed.
We would appreciate your cooperation in keeping these messages to a minimum.
The playground and classrooms at Moreland Elementary are carefully supervised by teachers and staff members.
Even with close supervision sometimes accidents will occur at school.
All accidents are reported to the office immediately. Basic first aid procedures are used by members of the building staff.
If a serious injury should occur your child will be transported to the hospital by ambulance and you will be notified immediately.
Insurance coverage is available for purchase at the beginning of each year. Information is sent home with each student and parents may elect to buy insurance in case of accident.
The Snake River District carries only the required liability insurance and does not provide medical insurance to cover medical expenses incurred if your child is injured.
A warning of a severe weather emergency or the decision to cancel school or terminate the school day due to severe weather will be provided to Moreland School by the Superintendent. Television and radio stations are notified immediately. Tune in to KLCE FM 97.9 for early morning weather announcements.
We urge you to talk with your child about emergency closures and what to do if you are not home or unable to be reached. It is very important that we maintain current phone numbers and emergency contacts on each student. If changes occur during the year, please notify the office immediately.
Pediculosis (head lice) will be checked for on a routine basis. Classes and grade levels will be checked when a case of head lice is reported or suspected. It is also a parent’s responsibility to check the hair of their own children. Our school has a nit free policy. Students who are infected will be temporarily excluded from school until the treatment has been completed and the hair is free of nits. We urge parents to notify the school if a case of head lice is found. This information will be held in confidence.
Big Toy:
Go one direction on the monkey bars
No climbing up slide
No tag on big toy
No objects on big toy
Don’t block the slide
Feet first down the slide
Tire Swings:
Feet in
No standing
3 sitting on the tire swing at a time
Count to 100 then trade
No use of tire swing during lunch recess
No jumping out
No underdogs
No twisting swings
No standing on swings
No rough play (ie….wrestling, tackling, pushing, grabbing, or pulling)
Stay away from water, mud and ice!
No throwing objects other than balls and Frisbees
Kick balls on grass only, NOT the blacktop
No red rover
1. Use your best table manners.
* six inch voice
* feet on the floor
* Clean any messes you make
2. Eat as much as you can.
3. Obey duty teacher.
4. Raise your hand to be excused.
5. Walk while in the lunchroom.
Snake River School District 52, 103 South 900 West, Blackfoot, Idaho 83221
Student records and Directory Information
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) has specified that student records are confidential, with some exceptions. Student records are defined as those records directly related to a student and maintained by the district, i.e. cumulative file, special education records or discipline records. Parents or students over 18 years of age may inspect and review educational records. Copies will be provided to parents who make a written request. Parents have the right to seek an amendment of the record. Parents also have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education.
Under FERPA, Snake River School District is allowed to disclose directory information, which is information that is generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released. If you do not want Snake River School District to release directory information from your child’s education record without your prior written consent, you must notify the District in writing by September 15th.
Directory Information includes, but is not limited to the following: student name, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, grade level, photographs, participation in officially recognized activities, weight/height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, awards received, previous school attended. For more detailed information please refer to District Policy/Procedures 8540.
Category: Procedure and Form Number:
8000 STUDENTS 8655p
Policy Title: Effective Date: March 11, 2003
Student Surveys and Student Privacy
Other questionnaires or surveys may be administered to students without parental consent, except for certain federal surveys as described below:
Federal Surveys:
No student may be required, as part of any program administered by the Secretary of Education, to submit to a survey, analysis, or evaluation which inquires into the following areas unless prior written consent is obtained from the parent:
Political affiliations;
Mental and psychological problems potentially embarrassing to the student or the students family; Sex behavior and attitudes; Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating and demeaning behavior;
Critical appraisals of other individuals with whom respondents have close family relationships; Legally recognized privileged or analogous relationships, such as those of lawyers, physicians, and ministers.
Income (other than that required by law to determine eligibility for participation in a program or for receiving financial assistance under such a program); or,
Private family affairs as prohibited by state law.
Surveys or questionnaires not seeking information in the categories described above may be administered to students without parental consent. In addition, it is appropriate to require students to complete these surveys.
Use of Surveys:
Information gathered in student surveys may be disclosed to organizations conducting studies to develop, validate, or administer predictive tests; administer student aid programs; or to improve instruction. This information may be disclosed without parental consent provided:
The survey is conducted in a manner that does not permit personal identification of parents and students to individuals other than those conducting the study; and
The information is destroyed when no longer needed for purposes of the study.
The district will make available for inspection to interested parents or guardians any instructional or other supplementary materials which will be used in connection with any survey, questionnaire, or evaluation.
Legal Reference: Idaho Code 33-506(1)
“Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, “ 34 CFR part 99
Reference: Policy 8540, “Student Records and Directory Information”
Procedure 8540, “Student Records and Directory Information:
Policy 4330, “Research Projects and Surveys”
Snake River School District 53, 103 South 900 West, Blackfoot, Idaho 83221
Category: Policy Number:
800 STUDENTS 8070p
Policy Title: Effective Date:
Code of Conduct – Discipline Policy March 9, 2004
A primary responsibility of the Snake River School District and its staff is to provide a positive learning opportunity for students. Good citizenship is a necessary and integral part of the district curriculum. Appropriate student behavior is necessary for the safety and benefit of all and is expected during school and at all school–related activities. Off-campus conduct may warrant disciplinary action if the conduct was related to a school program or had any direct and immediate impact on school discipline or on safety or welfare of students and staff. Although discipline and attendance are the primary responsibility of students and parents, administrators, teachers, and staff share this responsibility. All are engaged in a partnership for the education of our students. The spirit of this Code of Conduct must be one of love, concern, caring, and helping young people to grow and develop. If this spirit is maintained in all procedures and is administered with fairness, firmness, friendliness, and consistency, success and justice will tend to be the outcome for all concerned. Each district building administrator will form a committee to develop a student discipline plan for their respective buildings under the following procedures and guidelines.
ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING – A hearing conducted by an administrator appointed by the Superintendent and/or Board of Trustees.
AFTER-SCHOOL DETENTION – Assignment to a designated room on campus at the end of a regular school day for a specified period of time. Students and parents are responsible for the student’s transportation home.
90% Attendance Rule – The Snake River Board of Trustees requires that students attend school a minimum of 90% of the days school is in session. For secondary students, failure to meet the 90% attendance requirement can result in referral to the Juvenile Justice System, referral to Bingham County’s Independence High School, or a recommendation to the Board of Trustees for expulsion from school. For elementary students, failure to meet the 90% attendance requirement can result in a referral to the Building Review Committee, the Juvenile Justice System, and/or a recommendation for retention at the same grade level.
Excused Absences – Illness, doctor appointments, funerals and court-ordered appearances. Doctor verification for illness may be required.
6. Unexcused Absences are absences approved by the parent but not approved by the administration.
7.Tardies – Students are expected to arrive to all classes by the time the tardy bell rings. When the student arrives to class after the tardy bell and within the first five minutes of class, the student will be considered tardy; if the student arrives more than five minutes after the bell, the student will receive an unexcused absence.
a.Truancy is an absence that occurs without administration or parent permission.
b. A habitual truant is defined as any student who has been truant more than two times in one school year.
9. School sponsored activities and field trips – Activities and field trips are not counted against a student’s attendance record.
10. BOARD OF TRUSTEE HEARING – A hearing by the Board of Trustees with either parent, guardian, or school personnel.
11. DENIAL OF ATTENDANCE – Denial of attendance is the removal of a student from school under conditions set forth by the Board of Trustees. Students denied attendance from school are not permitted on campus.
a. Any weapon (including a starter gun) which will, or is designed to, or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive.
b.The frame or receiver of any such weapon.
c. Any firearm muffler or firearm silencer.
d. Any destructive device (the term “destructive device” means – any explosive, incendiary, or poison gas.
Code of Conduct-Discipline Policy Pg 8
The signatures below verify that the student and the parent/guardian have read the Code of Conduct Policy Procedure 8070p,
which is found under the Moreland School drop down of the web page.
Signature of Student______________________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian_______________________________________
Please send the signature page to the building principal.